What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is a free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites. AdSense also lets you provide Google search to your site users, while earning money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.
Source: http://www.google.com/support/adsense/bin/static.py?hl=en&page=guide.cs&guide=29574&from=29574&rd=2

Why Adsense?
There are many ways to earn money online and Adsense is the best among them because it's totally maintenance free leaving any worries for you and of course as many other internet savvy say that it is very consistent and has a very low risk. You only need to pay for your own domain name and hosting fees to establish a very good website for you to post Adsense ads.

Your might think that it is a waste of time creating and promoting a website or even writing articles just to earn a few penny from it? Think otherwise. This topic is a must to read for everyone.

What attracts people to click Google Adsense ads?
It simply because the ads displayed are related to the interest of the visitors. Lets put it this way, you might have blog site and your topic is simply about how to create a free website and you have Google Adsense ads in your site, your visitors would likely get interested to click the the ads because these are related about websites.

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Your Google Adsense ads helps your visitors by providing them more resources of the relevant topics or issues that they are looking for. By doing so, your visitors will patronize your blog site or website for providing them resources with real value.

Applying for a Google Adsense Account
Don't have Google Adsense account yet? There are lots of considerations for you if you want to apply for Google Adsense account. To state a few:
  • a MUST to read first Adsense TOC after signing up
  • be sure that your site has no extreme links to paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, or other incentives programs that pays users for viewing ads
  • get rid of other ads widgets that competes with Google Adsense
  • maximize your website design by having lots of good articles to read and get rid of broken links to another site
  • a poorly designed site will not surely be accepted
  • apply only for Adsense account if your website is ready 
The easiest way to apply for Google Adsense account is to open a Blogger.com account. Follow this simple steps:
  • post a new blog about yourself, your interest, what you want to, and any interest will do
  • post another one this time some tips about your interests
  • post for the 3rd time tip about your interests
  • lastly, post another tip about your interests
Simple? Yes it is indeed. But be sure what you posted are useful topics not just by merely typing few words about your interests or about you.

Apply now for Google Adsense account
In your Blogger dashboard, click Monetize and follow the steps in applying for Google Adsense account. Save everything when prompted and wait for the confirmation from Google Adsense within 1 or 2 days.

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